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ותלמוד תורה כנגד כולם

"And the learning of Torah is equal to all of them"

ד אדר

Has been sponsored

To honor the memory of

הענטשא לאה בת שלום

 By her children

February 4th, 2013

Has been sponsored

For a speedy recovery for

Ellie bas Charlotte

ה אדר

Has been sponsored

To honor the memory of

העניה בת משה בנימין

By her children

February 6th, 2013

Has been sponsored

For a speedy recovery for

Nissan Moshe ben Chana Gittel

כ אדר

Has been sponsored

To honor the memory of

יהודה דוד בן אברהם מרדכי

 By his children

September 1st, 2014

Has been sponsored

To honor the memory of 

Esther bat Eliyahu

September 2nd, 2014

Has been sponsored

To honor the memory of Mordechai ben Mashiach

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